*For safety, children and students under the age of 17 years must be under adult supervision at all times*
Dining Room: Setting up and Serving meals
Mon-Sat: Lunch at 12:00pm-1:00pm
Mon-Sat: Dinner at 5:30pm-6:30pm
Arrive by 12:00pm or 5:30pm
Clerical: Folding receipts & stuffing envelopes
Mon-Sat: 12:00pm-1:15pm
To discuss & schedule volunteer coordination, please contact:
Victoria Gonzales
(806) 373-6402
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Policy
Background Check & Required Paperwork:
All volunteers must fill out and pass the Background Form before volunteering (this form along with the waiver is found at the bottom of this page). Passing the background consists of having no violent or sexual crimes. The Volunteer Waiver and Agreement must also be signed before service. The volunteer must also sign the Volunteer-Student Protocol, which outlines expected behavior and roles from the volunteer when interacting with program students. If the volunteer has not had the background run and approved, they cannot volunteer.
Volunteer Groups:
We love working with volunteer groups and believe they are an essential part of community impact. However, due to the nature of limited space and care for our guests, there is a max capacity of 5-7 people per group serving at one time in the dining room. All volunteers in the group must complete the required volunteer paperwork.
Check In:
Volunteers need to sign in and out at the front desk and wear a volunteer badge.
Volunteers under the age of 17 must be accompanied by an adult. Background and Waiver: These forms can be printed off and brought to Faith City or emailed to hburton@faithcity.org
Download required volunteer forms here:
Dress Code
Volunteers are requested to arrive dressed appropriately for the work that they will be performing. This dress code has been developed with the safety of volunteers in mind in addition to protecting our students and guests. Please adhere to this code to insure that you will be able to fully take part during your time of service. Volunteers arriving dressed inappropriately will not be allowed to take part unless suitable accommodations can be made.
Volunteers can wear open-toed shoes, as well as closed-toed, but they must have a heel strap. Please do not wear shoes with heels more than half an inch.
Volunteers should not wear revealing or tight-fitting clothing. Do not wear tank tops, sleeveless or low-cut shirts, short-shorts or tight pants (including yoga pants, leggings, or tights).
Volunteers should not wear any hats or face coverings into the building.
Acceptable clothing includes shirts that cover the stomach, and upper arms and chest, shorts that come within three inches of the knees, and long pants.