Emergency Shelter, Food, & Clothing

Emergency Food, Clothing, Shelter, and Showers is a daily service provided for Amarillo's homeless community. We provide emergency overnight shelter,​ inclement weather shelter, day room, and Chapel services. We also serve 3 hot meals Monday through Saturday.
Our inclement weather policy is as follows:
FCM Inclement Weather Policy
Inclement Weather Policy: – During inclement weather policy every night is a weather night, the dorm is open Monday thru Sunday and overnight guests may stay throughout the winter.
Attendance – Overnight guests are asked to be here by 6:00 pm Monday through Saturday, and by 4:30 pm on Sunday.
Late overnight guests: Late overnight guests will be admitted regardless of the time - because of the cold weather – always remind them to be here on time from now on. Overnight dorm sign-in is at 6:00 pm Monday thru Saturday, and at 4:30 pm on Sunday.
Length of Stay - Overnight guests may stay throughout the winter. (No 30 day agreement.)
Monday thru Saturday Overnight Dorm - The chapel doors open at 5:00 pm for supper, Guests are asked to be here by 5:40pm to eat, & by 6:00pm to stay, overnight guests must go to the chapel after they eat supper where they will be checked by Staff or watchmen, and then will be sent to the dorm.
Sunday Overnight Dorm - Overnight guests only - will be admitted to the chapel at 4:30 pm, checked by Staff or watchmen in the chapel, and then signed into the dorm.
Overnight guests under the influence: During inclement weather policy period, we will admit persons who are under the influence for overnight stay.
Inclement Weather Dayroom Service - The dining room may be open as a dayroom during daytime hours, days and hours will be determined by the Shelter Director and posted.
Sunday is our Staff’s Day Off - We provide overnight shelter only - on Sunday, - overnight guests are signed into the dorm @ 4:30 pm. (No meals/services available on Sunday.)
Food Services - Monday through Saturday we serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner, meal schedule is posted on the front doors.
MISSION SAFETY: Opening doors is a mission safety issue: Students, arad, missionites, and work program are NOT allowed to let people in at any time, - only Staff, on duty MODs, and on duty watchmen may open doors or let people in.
Shelter Director’s discretion: The Shelter Director makes all decisions on inclement weather policy, weather nights, overnight dorm and dayroom, he will notify staff, MODs & watchmen as needed.